Viking has been working on military and defense vessel structural design projects since 2001. We have handled structural design assessments of US Navy ships, including the LCS Freedom Class, LCS Independence Class, Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport (EPF) projects, the Expeditionary Transfer Dock (ESD), the TAO fleet of Oilers, the US Coast Guard FRC-B project. In addition, we have done corrosion modeling for a range of US Navy surface warfare vessels.
Viking offers exceptional technology that performs advanced motion predictions (using spectral and nonlinear time-domain software) and advanced structural design and verification (using class society rules and advanced FEA).
The technologies created through our proprietary SAGA structural computer program allow environmental loads that have been developed with advanced hydrodynamic analysis programs to be applied to full-ship FEA models so the structure may be readily assessed for yielding, buckling, and fatigue failure modes. This allows rapid development of modifications to the design where needed.
High-speed vessels experience a unique combination of loads and require the use of model test results and hydrodynamic analysis to understand the dominant global load parameters, whipping-induced bending moments, and slamming pressures to define a safe operating envelope of allowed speed in sea states and vessel headings.
Viking uses rule scanting and advanced FEA-based optimization of scantlings to ensure a lightweight design that can meet your structural demands.
3 Fusionopolis Place
Singapore 138523